Eagle Island Steady Power Supply: We Are Going For Premium Package – Island Chairman Tells Residents.

– Commends Port Harcourt City Mayor Victor Ihunwo Nyeche and RIWAMA sole administrator Bro Felix Obuah for their tremendous input.

– Urge Eagle Island residents to pay their security fees.

– Exclusive brief Interview With the Eagle Island Executive Capacity Chairman Engr. Prince Cyprian Ndamzi Tom.

Eagle Island Metro Estate, Port Harcourt City, Rivers State have been recording a significant and tremendous changes across the Estate interms of steady power supply, proficient security outfit, ban of tricycles and standard sanitation exercises which has added tip notch values to the Estate.

Big thanks to the Eagle Island Executive Capacity Chairman Engr. Prince Cyprian Ndamzi Tom with his executives together with Port Harcourt City Mayor Victor Ihunwo Nyeche, RIWAMA Sole Administrator Bro Felix Obuah and some others.

It’s crystal clear that the Eagle Island residents are appreciating the great job being done already by the executives and ready to support the chairman with vision.

DEZ MAYORZ Media had a brief exclusive interview with the Eagle Island Chairman and some of the excerpts are as follow :

*On the Vision and mission of his administration…..*

The Chairman : As I told Dez Mayorz Media on the day of my swearing in, we want to count alot of achievements (Power supply, security and sanitation) on my first year in office. We commend Eagle Island residents for their continuous support.

Island Chairman Prince Cyprian Ndamzi during Eagle Island executive election

*On the current Steady Power Supply in Eagle Island Estate…..*

The Chairman : If we are having about 16hours daily Power Supply now, then expect more because we are looking at 24hours light in Eagle Island.

We are going into a premium power plan.  We have done the first stage of the process which is the GPS coordinations and the second stage is the pole mapping, all the poles are numbered now. And the third stage commence next week.

By July/August, we will be having 24hours light daily. When there is 24hours daily Power supply, Eagle Island residents will be glad to pay their electric and other bills.

*On the Eagle Island Security and the great job being done there…..*

The chairman : Actually, the security company came on board on 3rd of January. Eagle Islanders have seen the benefits and they have embraced the security outfit. They happily comply with the security now. Island is now secured by God’s Grace. The residents know we are doing a great job.

We also constitute Waterways surveliance security. Although we still lack in some logistics….We have written to Agip company to assist with speed boat so that we can patrol to and fro, you know Island is surrounded with water. We have security at the Gate and in clusters to synergies total security.

*On the security payment and fees….*

The Chairman: I must commend the RIWAMA sole administrator bro Felix Obuah and Port Harcourt City Mayor Victor Ihunwo Nyeche for taking care of the security fees and payment.  They pay-in directly into the security company account.  Everyone should play his/her part.

We encourage Eagle Island residents to pay for their security fees. A stipend of #2,000 Monthly per Compound which is #24,000 yearly. Majority of the residents have not paid. The fee is low compare to other Estates.

The account number is posted boldly on the Eagle Island gate post. Be assured that the fund will be accounted for.

It will be used for the purpose it’s meant for.

*On the Eagle Island Sanitation And Refuse. (why everywhere is very clean now?).*

The Chairman :We went into synergy with RIWAMA and the CDC. Everyone can attest that everywhere in Eagle Island is very clean now. Dez Mayorz, you can see that to yourself.

The time for waste bin collections and disposal is from 6pm – 12mid night daily. The sweepers, evacuators, others do their cleaning jobs early hours in the morning, including back-sweeping that make the place very clean.

*On the on-going beatification in Eagle Island Streets.*

The Chairman: We are planting trees in Eagle Island, We started from the gate, we have planted 25 trees, on Saturday we will plant another 40 and so on.

By the time we plant good trees across Eagle Island streets, you can attest to the beauty that it will come up with in the next few years.

*On the COVID-19 Paliatives Shared to Widows In Eagle Island during the lockdown….*

Actually the Paliatives came from the RIWAMA sole administrator Bro Felix Obuah and I assisted on my little capacity.

*On What Eagle Island Will Look Like in the nearest future…..*

Eagle Island will be like one of the Abuja peninsula. It will be strictly for organized people. It will be a reference point in Rivers State. Everything in the Estate will start to appreciate in the nearest future.

We (Landlords and residents) are coming-in with a wonderful manner to make here a better home.

*On Eagle Island residents already clamouring for you to go for second tenure in Island….*

Am a steward, power and leadership comes from the Lord. For now, I more focused on serving and putting my best to put the metro Estate on the World Map.

*Thank you for your great services so far to the residents on Eagle Island. Thank for your time.*

Continuation: Eagle Island is a mega estate in Port Harcourt City located near Agip and Diobu axis in port Harcourt City, Rivers State.

It is a metro city peninsula with modern advance setting equivalent to that of Banana island in Lagos.

It has about 1,000 buildings (Compounds) surrounded with water.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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