Rivers State University Teaching Hospital

Each day we keep hearing about the threats of the global pandemic across the world. Coronavirus is really hitting the world so hard.

Now, it’s about to shutdown the Rivers State University teaching hospital. How would people seek medical attention if this happens?

The shutting down of the state’s University Teaching hospital is due to two COVID-19 patients who were admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19.

The Public Relations Officer of RSUTH, Dr Nsirim Larry, confirmed the development in a statement in Port Harcourt on Saturday.

According to him, the patients are, a female security personnel working in the hospital and another female patient admitted into the labour ward.

Dr Nsirim stressed that; “It is important to note that the doctors and nurses who had direct contact with both patients have been advised by the hospital management to self-isolate.

“RSUTH is making preparations to decontaminate the labour ward and radiology unit immediately while sample collection of the direct contacts would begin.

“We urge anyone, who has not been contacted to please indicate by calling the POTARD unit for sample collection,” he appealed to workers in the hospital.

Further more, Larry urged residents to remain calm and offer their prayers and support to those infected with the virus.

Rivers State government has been called to completely shutdown the State University teaching hospital as a means to curb further spread of the virus in the state.

The agency should carryout proper contact tracing of those who visited the hospital lately. Information gathered, reviewed that those medical staff who attended to the COVID-19 confirmed patients were not on their personal protective equipment (PPE) which is worrisome. The state has to carefully act fast to avoid disaster as it is just the way it seems now.

Rivers State which emerged 3rd on the latest list of COVID-19 cases released by NCDC, with 27 new confirmed cases, so far recorded its highest figures in the State ever since the pandemic arrived Nigeria. The manager of the demolished hotel (prodest) in Eleme was among the latest confirmed COVID-19 cases in the state.

Bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the state to 116 as at Sunday 24th May, 2020. 78 cases are currently active, 30 are already discharged while 8 are reported to have died of the virus in the State.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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