Opobo Nkoro.


The Executive Chairman of Opobo/Nkoro local Government Area, Hon Eugene Joshua Jaja at the executive chambers of the Council today sworn in Supervisors and Adviser’s of the council.

The Supervisors are;

* Samuel B. Peterside, Supervisor for Youths and Sports.

* Boma Stewart, Supervisor for Culture and Tourism.

* Collins Fubara, Supervisor for Education and Social Welfare.

* Christopher Fubara, Supervisor for Works and Housing.

* Marshall Toby, Supervisor for Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Others sworn in were the advisers to the Council.
* Idakiabo Owen.
* Reginald Daminabo.
* Benjamin Diri.
* Lazarus Oko Jaja.
* Agbesa Wariso.

The Executive Chairman, Hon Eugene Joshua Jaja charged them to see Opobo/Nkoro first and be diligent in carrying out their constitutional obligations.

The Vice Chairperson, Hon. Caroline B. Ekine, Secretary of Council , Rev Friday Fubara, Chief of Staff Hon. Arthur Jaja were among those that witnessed the event.

The swearing in ceremony was a huge success, Supervisor for Education, Collins Fubara in his response on behalf of all those sworn in promised they will put in their best to support the progressive government of Hon Eugene Jaja to move the council to greater heights.

Big congratulations to Blessing Stewart for double blessings.

When God want to uplift you no man can stop you. Party financial secretary. Double appointment.


They are as follows;

1. Godwin Manfred Pepple….. Chairman
2. Dagogo Lawrence….. Deputy Chairman
3. Monday S.L Manila…… Secretary
4. Perekins I.S Jaja…. Treasurer
5. Elisa S. Diri….. Assistant Secretary
6. Boma Blessing Stewart…. Financial Secretary
7. Christian John Africa……. Publicity Secretary
8. Clara l. Uranta…. Ass. Publicity Secretary
9. Daniel Inimiesima……. Organizing Secretary
10. Bar. Naiomi Tonye Kala-Ogolo……. Legal Adviser
11. Asinyetogha Uranta….. Auditor
12. Grace Ibiwangi Nzekwe…… Woman leader
13. Roland J. Fubara….. Youth Leader
14. Senibo Sokaribo Nengia……. Ex-Officio 1
15. Gentle Nzekwe……. Ex-Officio 2
16. Hon. William Williams…… Ex-Officio 3
17. Rose j. Peterside…..Ex-Officio 4
18. Vivian S. Manila……. Ex-Officio 5


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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