
No matter how time flies and history is forced to change, one thing remains constant – the qualities I saw in you over decades ago.

It was such a time when many refused to publicly stand up for you for fear of incurring the wrath of the Master Leader then. Many loved you, but were not courageous enough to show it. While some worked behind the scene, out of fear; I dared to do what many feared.
My position on who should succeed our Leader and Father, was known amongst all those who worked through the corridors of power, especially, my immediate constituencies- the Regular Assembly under the Mango True at the Old Brick House, the Government House as well as the Port Harcourt Press! You were my choice amongst all.

While many used diplomacy- a little to the left, a little to the right, I took a plunge into a dangerous Sea, infested with Sharks. Without funding and prompting, I chose to be like Esther, “If I perish, I perish…..”, I said, even when the dark clouds dropped low on your political journey.

I risked it all, lost friends and inflamed enemies but kept faith cos I saw what many refused or failed to see.
I knew you would make it in spite of the landmines. I knew you would finish well as Governor and head on to the next level of Government.

My Spirit, My instinct and My Faith never failed me. It was not a support based on pecuniary benefits but one built on my convictions, that, this is One Nigerian that Nigeria surely needs.
You still have not proved my beliefs wrong.

I am happy today that the support base is larger even though I earnestly crave for such a time when things will be the same again.
My prayer on this occasion of your 55th Birthday celebration, is for the new and the old, to gather again, in preparation for the next biggest event in your life!

Congratulations to you!
OUR SOUTHERN STAR that shines in the darkest of times!

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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