North Korea

Ugo Aputa wrote:


With Speculations going on as regards the health status of the Supreme Leader of North Korea ?? Kim Jong-Un given that he was yet to be seen in public for 2 Weeks now and the fact that he wasn’t present at one of the Country’s most important day, The “Founders Day”.

it has sparked rumours that he is in a grave condition with some quarters even speculation of his demise.

That going on, debates of his likely successor have been thrown up given that his children are still too young.

Kim Jong-un’s father had 5 Children, 2 Girls and 3 Boys. The first son had a more lavish lifestyle and was even speculated to be gay at some point, he was considered a misfit for a leader. Kim’s half brother Kim Jong-nam died in an assassination in 2017 and his half sister Kim Sol-song is not considered much of a contender, this leaves to the other sister who happens to be the last child Kim Yo-Jong.

Kim Yo-Jong is a 31 year old graduate of Computer Science. She was most close and most preferred child to their father. In fact, if not for gender, she would have been most preferred to takeover from their before Jong-Un.

It is said that she’s the most probable to take over the 7 decades long rulership of KIM Dynasty over North Korea. She’s said to be fierce and ferocious than her brother who currently holds sway as the country’s ruler.

Could this be the story of yet another female shattering the “glass ceiling”?

And did I mention she’s my birthday mate?

September 26th, ? Libra’s ♎️ make good Leaders ?.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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