Imam of Peace

Imam of Peace full statement on Buhari.

“Buhari Is A Terrorist And The Dumbest Person In Nigeria??” – Popular Australian Muslim Imam, Mohammad Tawhidi Blasts Buhari Over His Disappearance And Incompetence.

Dez Mayorz report.

?Imam Of Peace Tweeted; “The President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari still doesn’t know the name of the virus killing 24,000+ at such a rapid rate. Addressing the nation about it for the first time, he pronounced the virus as ‘CIVIK 1-9’.

“Nigerians, Your President does not even have a formal educational background. I heard he does not have ordinary School leaving certificate.

Dez Mayorz report.

“Islamists in Nigeria are destroying Christian communities. Weak leadership of Buhari.
Failed President. No realistic agenda to tackle Jihadists. All talk.

“I was an extremist. I know an extremist when I see one. President Buhari is an extremist enabler of Jihadists in Africa. Has done close to nothing. I’ll say it again, Whoever voted for Buhari, especially for the second time after seeing his failures to crack down on terrorists, is 100% stupid, foolish and irresponsible. Victims of terrorism due to Buhari’s incompetence don’t care about minority or majority votes. Wake up.

“Whoever supports Buhari is not only foolish but also responsible for his crimes regardless of their nationality. I’m not even Nigerian and I am standing up for Nigerians. Maybe you should do the same instead of defending the cult that put that Covikkk criminal in power.

“I love Nigeria. I have one Nigerian friend and she’s amazing. One of the most successful and honest people I know. I also welcome my new Nigerian followers on Twitter. You have a beautiful country but it would be more beautiful without the terrorism enabled by Dictator Buhari.

“President Buhari’s cult claim they have nothing to do with terrorists in Nigeria. Yet when I expose terrorists in Nigeria…President Buhari’s fans attack me online. A stupid President is always elected by stupid people.

Dez Mayorz report.

“The President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari still doesn’t know the name of the virus killing 24,000+ at such a rapid rate. Addressing the nation about it for the first time, he pronounced the virus as ‘CIVIK 1-9’. – Imam Of Peace Said.

▪️Globally renowned Islamic cleric, Mohammad Tawhidi, also known as Imam of Peace, is currently dragging the hell out of Nigerian President??, Muhammadu Buhari, over his incompetence on Twitter.

▪️The drama started on Thursday after Nigerians questioned the presidency about the whereabouts of Buhari, who last addressed the nation about the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic in a 23 second Twitter video.

▪️Following the thread #WhereIsBuhari, which has lasted for more than 24 hours on the Twitter trend, Imam of Peace made it his duty to call out the Nigerian President on his platform to the International audience.

▪️Referring to a short video where the Nigerian President pronounced Covid-19 as Covik-1-9, the Australian based Iman described Buhari as the dumbest person in Nigeria, while calling him a terrorism enabler amongst others.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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