Tonye Cole corona virus

Tonye Patrick Cole, The co-founder and former Group Executive Director of Sahara Group has revealed that he travelled the same flight as the third recorded case of coronavirus in the country.

The victim is said to have flown in from the United Kingdom to Nigeria on the British Airlines 75 flight.

Commending the NCDC, the business mogul revealed that he and other passengers have been instructed to isolate themselves.

#workfromhome I was on the BA75 flight of the 13th from London on which a lady tested positive for #COVID19Lagos. We’ve been asked by LSMOH to #selfisolate. I’m grateful to @NCDCgov for measures taken at airports to document all passengers coming into NIGERIA so we’re all safer,” Mr. Cole wrote on twitter.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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