Ogbele community

This is an uproar on the ordeals the Ogbele community is passing through as a result of the neglect and impunity the Niger Delta petroleum Resources has caused her.

It is worthy to note that the Ogbele Community is located with in the Upata region of Ahoada East local government of Rivers state, Nigeria.

Therefore the Ogbele community writes to the Rivers State house of Assembly to help her enforce the agreement that was reached between the community and the host company in 2016 so as to salvage the entire community from the shackles of poverty.

The presence of oil in every community should be seen as an indicator of light, progress and development and not a means to an untold hardship, poverty, and penury as the Ogbele community are passing through.

It is salient to note that after the presence of NDPR in Ogbele community in 2016, the community has suffered gross setbacks as a result of the polluted water due to oil exploration, ineffective productivity of crops due to oil spillage, and the major source of livelihood of the people which is mostly farming and fishing has been truncated.

The NDPR sits on the people like an octopus and sucks them dry. Therefore, No community deserves this maltreatment, and gross neglect after giving out her mineral resources with this negative outcome.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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