Lafta Fellowship Press briefing.

Event: Lafta Fellowship Press Briefing.

McSenator the husband material
with his crew had a unique press briefing with the press in a cool garden place (Metro Park, GRA, PH).
McSenator announced again how unique his event is especially this 10th edition. The summary of the press briefing:

Press Release:

This year Lafta-Fellowship is unique because of the exceptional method of entertainment that is earmarked to thrill the audience in a comedy Marathon.

 “Port Harcourt Entertainment Industry is not that lucrative but the love and passion for it keep us going ” – McSenator

Lafta-fellowship which has stand the test of time in PH events from Vol 1 to 9 is set to come with a jack-bauer moves in its Vol 10. It is also significant to mention that this year Lafta-Fellowship is a unique award edition because we are saying Thank You with an award to various individuals / corporate organizations that have supported us & have supported the youths / entertainment in the state & country at Large.


We must not fail to mention that our partners & supporters have been over whelming. This year edition have partners like Pizzamore restaurant, Landmark Hotel, Davison Hotel, Casablanca Restaurant, Mina Hotels, Rhythm 93.7fm, Love 97.7fm, Today 95.1fm, courdeau catering Nig Ltd, Tammel design, Golden Tulip, Larrichem Clothings, Chrisolink hotel, Eden Lounge, Lesuka event center amongst other partners.

We therefore urge the cooperate partners, individuals & friends to key in into the Lafta-Fellowship brand for juicy partnership offers. For further info on partnership & ticketing reach the event host. Nicholas 08037655968. Thank you.

Below is the artwork of the event.

– McSenator The Husband Material.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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