Mariam Fiberesima.

Deputy Mayor Marian Fiberesima has revealed the secret behind the tremendous achievements by the Port Harcourt City Mayor and gives reason why women are not fully represented in the 9th NASS leadership.

The deputy Mayor of Port Harcourt City Mrs Marian Fiberesima said “one family (togetherness) is the reason why Port Harcourt City Mayor Victor Ihunwo Nyeche and the council have been recording tremendous achievements.

Speaking to DEZ MAYORZ NIGERIA at Hon Chinyere Igwe inauguration reception in Abuja.
Mrs Marian Fiberesima congratulated Hon Chinyere Igwe and all the Rivers State lawmakers for their successful inauguration.

…..Women are found no where in the 9th NASS national leadership…

” ….Maybe is not women turn, when the time comes, Women will definitely be part of national assembly leadership ” -Mrs Marian Fiberesima.


…..what’s the secret behind the Port Harcourt City leaders tremendous achievements In Port Harcourt?

“God is the main reason. We are one family that work together. We have the people at heart, we love our people and our people love us. We carry people along. Nothing like am the boss, am this and that. The chairman Lord Mayor Victor Ihunwo Nyeche, together with councillors and everyone is working tirelessly to serve the people better and project Port Harcourt City to greater heights ” – Mrs Marian Fiberesima added.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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