Environment Engineers.

Environmental Engineers set for  2019 World environment day celebration.

Theme : Air Pollution, we can’t stop breathing.

Date : 5th June, 2019.

Time : 12noon.

Venue :NSE, Port Harcourt branch secretariat. no. 3 Bernard Carr Street, Water works yard, Town, Port Harcourt.

More info on the picture below.

Topics/ Speakers for the Rally on World Environment Day 2019 (15mins max each) on Wednesday, 5 June 2019.

1. Engr. Austin Ebirien : “Impact of Air Pollution from the Oil and Gas industry.”

2. Engr. Prof MJ. Ayotamuno: “Historical facts on the Health Implications of Air Pollution from cradles to-date”

3. Engr Mrs. C. Okoronkwo : “Why World Environment Day is Yearly Celebrated and the Theme for 2019”

4. Dr. Ugbebor: “Air Pollution from Road Construction (spread of Asphalt) and burning of tires at Abattoirs

5. Prince Engr Tom Cyprian Ndamzi: the roles of government agencies and NGO’s in curbing environmental pollution and the Nigerian legal system as it relates to environmental protection.

You can’t afford to miss expertise information and knowledge on the field of green engineering technologies.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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