
What a Rev Fathers(priests) hear,
What he sees,
The secrets he must keep,
The temptations he encounters,
The tears he shades,
The sorrow he endures,
The loneliness he manages,
The bitterness he experiences.

The Lies levelled against him by some of the people he serves!
How he accommodates those who pretend they love him but behind him they destroy him.

How he tries to live more than a human can.
The lack he suffers,
The discriminations he must not react to.

The accusations he has to mute at,
The expectations he strives to cope with,
Even a fellow priest does not know what the other goes through.

He is alive for God and yet he lives for man! Think about these things and pray for your priests with love, support and faith.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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