Experts Records.

New thing happened to Port Harcourt Entertainment Industry on November 4th 2018, as Fr Ikokwu Onwuchekwa, together with Exbrown E crew, others , prayed and commissioned a new Record label in southern Nigeria with the name Experts Records.

It is a good news and a thing of joy for the whole entertainers in Port Harcourt, as the label is going to add quality and glory to the Port Harcourt Entertainment industry.

The label renders the following services including:

Music production and training, artistes management, jingle production, music video production, album packaging, CD printing and burning, record label, mc and dj management, Entertainment management consultant.

Below are some of the pictures from the official opening of the Experts records(picture credit – JojoFalani) :

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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