Oshikiri Concert.

Nollywood super star Tonto Dike set to partner with Niger Delta music queen -Jikume in the forth coming Oshikiri concert, this was revealed by Jikume on her facebook page, which read-

” #OshikiriConcert

Yay! And My Finest Oshikiri Sisterly, The Avram -Pitakwa Original -TONTO DIKEH, Our Proudly Rivers African Screen goddess, Just Called Me Right Now Asking To Partner With Oshikiri Entertainment For The #OshikiriConcert Billed For December 2018 In Port Harcourt… If We No Follow GOD Na Wetin We Gain?

And If You No Partner Us Na wetin u gain. ”

Get ready for Oshikiri concert, this December.

kudos to Tonto Dike and Jikume on this great one.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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