Nnamdi Kanu speech.

The embattled leader of Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has vowed that no man born of a woman can kill him.

Kanu, whose reappearance has causes stir in social media, stated this live in a Radio Biafra broadcast, a station dedicated to his breakaway Biafra state.

Kanu Maintained his Earlier Stand that Nigerias President Muhammadu Buhari is No More Alive .
In his words ;
“Buhari is dead, Jubril from Sudan is impersonating him. After some mins, one Fulani Man from Daura sent soldiers to kill me”
“We will continue to boycott all elections until they give me a date for referendum”
“I will be back and I shall bring hell with me” he said.

Revealing what he passed through in the hands of Nigerian army who invaded his home in 14th September, 2017, Kanu said what happened to him, “is better witnessed than imagined or experienced”.

He said;

“I left the prison, they granted me bail, asked me not to speak in order to cage me and insult the custom of IPOB.

“They invaded our home because I preached the gospel of Biafra.

“I was preparing to go to court on 14th of October, when Buhari sent soldiers to kill me, because he didn’t want me to go to Abuja, also, because they knew I have no case to answer.

“No mortal flesh can kill me, they have not given birth to that person. They have failed and they will continue to fail. I will son return to Biafra land.

“Israel has taught me that they can run, but they can’t hide for long.

“They desecrated the compound, a royal compound, they killed everything even our dog.

“I was in my home preparing to go to Abuja when they invaded my home and in intention to kill me, they killed our dog and my cousin, Adaku.

“I thank President of America, Trump, Israel, Evangelist Uko, Professor Ben Nwabueze.

“Senator Abaribe is a very powerful man and I thank him for standing surety for me.

“The notion that I jumped bail is a lie and deceit to deceive Nigerians.

“What happened to me is better witnessed than imagined or experienced, Kanu stated.

Above is an extraction from his broadcast before the signal cutoff.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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