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Fr Chimaobi.

Chose ye who you will serve- Fr Chimaobi tells Port Harcourt choir to make the right choice.

The parish priest of Church Of The Ascension, Eagle Island, who is also the chaplain of Port Harcourt Catholic Deanery choir  -Fr Chimaobi Casmir  Ohaji has called on Christians to choose who they will serve.
This, he made clear during the 8am Mass at Church Of The Ascension Catholic Church, Eagle Island on 26th August 2018. The Holy Mass was a blissful celebration as Port Harcourt deanery Choir converged for their meeting and also the COTA CYON youth that marked their youth week finale on Sunday.

In his sermon, Fr Chimaobi encouraged the congregation to follow the footsteps of Joshua and Apostle Peter who made the right choices for themselves and their family.

“Christians should shun corrupt practices in their various offices and endeavour. Embrace the truth, and choose Christ first always especially when we come to the crossroads of life. In spite all odds, Jesus Christ is always the best option for anyone who is wise.
Husbands should love their wives and women to be submissive to their husband.
Remember when u have chosen to follow Jesus, u also chose to carry your Cross daily and follow Jesus.
Following the alternative leads to destruction”- Fr Chimaobi Ohaji added.

He concluded by congratulating 14 COTA young parishioners who received their first Holy Communion. He encouraged them to always choose Christ always.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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