Marshal Obuzor.

The SSA to Governor Nyesom Wike on social media affairs – Marshal Obuzor  was assaulted by SARS. Below is his statement on facebook :


Before I go on to give an account of my being robbed by men of the SARS yesterday, I need to mention that I had been previously threatened by a Micheal David Attah on account of a post I made criticising the actions of Fakorede Akin-the Rivers State commander of SARS. I later got to discover that the same Micheal David Attah is an Inspector with the SARS and a close friend to Akin Fakorede.
I have also attached a screenshot of the threat made by Micheal David Attah.

Now to the event of yesterday the 23nd of July 2018. I was stopped at a SARS check point by Mandela car wash in GRA, Port Harcourt. The officer that stopped me checked the trunk of my car and found nothing incriminating; when I told him the car I was driving was an official car he then asked who I was and where I was going to. On verbally identifying myself, he got into the car and told me to clear the car. Once the car was parked the SARS personnel who had entered my car snatched the key from the key hole and told me to follow him. On following him to where their car was parked; he and a second SARS officer whom he had spoken to, told me to hand my phone over to them. I told them I wouldn’t that the Inspector General of Police has said they shouldn’t collect peoples phones their assault started. I was first assaulted for mentioning the IG and having the effrontery to hold on to my phone. As this was going on, one officer started hitting me, while second one was struggling to get my phone from me. The phone was finally snatched from me and held by Sgt Clever Okporoko-pictured here.


Once they had my phone they opened the trunk of a Navy blue Golf vehicle, brought out a rope and told me to enter the trunk with the threat of tying me up. I refused to enter the trunk of their car. They then brought out a machete and wheel spanner from the trunk and started hitting me all over again while trying to force me to into the car trunk. At this point, one of them cocked his gun and told me that he would finish me if i didn’t comply.

All this while, I must mention that I was shocked at the brazeness with which they carried out these actions. It didn’t matter to them that they were doing this in the full public glare by about 4pm, at a very busy intersection, with many witnesses present.

After a lengthy while they gave up on trying to force me into their vehicle’s trunk then started trying to force me into the back seat of their vehicle. Remembering the threat I had received from Inspector Michael and the present threat to kill me, I refused to enter their vehicle but insisted i would only follow identifiable police men from the closest police division. Through out this unpalatable incidence, other than abuses and further threats there was no response to my enquiry on what my offense was.

This went on for over 20 minutes before Hon. Emeka Onowu Anyasodike , the Rivers State Commissioner for Special duties arrived the scene. He too was not spared of death threats as the SARS personnel also threatened to kill him and promised to deal with him later. His voice while he was responding to their first threat can be heard in the video on Oraye St. Franklyn ‘s wall. One of them even went on to ask him if he was married and if his wife dosen’t want to see him again.

The nasty situation was finally intervened into by a Senior Police officer (SPO) who retrieved my car keys from the SARS personnel. At that point i made a verbal complaint to him pointing out the SARS personnel and the role they played. I latter got to discover that the SPO who intervened was ASP Azunda of the Azikiwe police division. On getting home I got to discover that some money in my possession had been stolen.

This account is a summary of events that occured and everything said here is easily verifiable as it was witnessed by the large number of people (hawkers, shop owners, carwash boys and business patrons) around that junction.

I want to appreciate everyone that made it out to the scene of the incidence and everyone that has called or sent a message. I am firmly of the opi

nion that letting it go is putting the next Rivers resident in harms way.
You can be sure this is not the last we will hear of this issue as I intend to pursue this to its logical conclusion.-Marshal concluded .



By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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