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Collyns Owhonda.

Catholic Knights is no longer about going to War but 3T. – Sir Collyns Owhonda throw more light on Church Knight.

One of the respected leaders of Knights of St John in Port Harcourt, Sir Collyns Owhonda has thrown more light on the modern Catholic knights.
He told newsmen in his office that the knights has transformed, it’s no longer about going to war but about 3T. It’s about the Talent, Time and Treasure you make available to the church for the work of Christ.
He advised Christians to always embark on Thanksgiving always and not challenging God.

Thank God for what he has done for you and not bribing and challenging him by sowing a seed and incomplete tithing “- Collyns Owhonda added.

The Order of the Knights of St. John International is an international Catholic organisation that exists in many countries of the world. This ancient Order was founded in 1048 by a group of Christians in the city of Amalfi, in the kingdom of Naples, in Italy. The merchants came mainly from central Europe and were trading in Middle East, and performing pilgrimage rites. In doing that they suffered persecutions in the hands of infidels Turks led by Ottoman.
These actions prompted them to organise themselves into defence corps and helped to protect other Christians going for pilgrimage. They built hospitals in Jerusalem to take care of the sick and wounded. In establishing the group identity members saw their cause as a reflection of the virtue of St. John the Baptist, in truth, simplicity and charity and chose St. John the Baptist as the organisation’s patron saint; the group’s name became Knights of St. John.



By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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