Onne and Trans- Amadi Industrial Area is a conquered territory by the North – Franklyn Nwakaocha.

Dez Mayorz team was with one of the Seafloat Marine Services company workers -Mr Franklyn Nwakaocha who called the attention of south south and south East government to do something significant on the conquered Onne and Trans- Amadi commercial system. Below is his statement. :

“Onne and Trans – Amadi economy is dying fast. Oil companies and other companies Massively sacking and withdrawing their workers, many shutting down. ….
Onne is no longer operational. The ships no longer come to south south region, hence emasculating the southern Nigeria economy system. In as much as the oil price has increased, but it won’t change anything in southern Nigeria because of the high political manovering and index. Trans -Amadi Industrial zone is a conquered territory by people who believed they own Nigeria-The North and the West their alied. They do anything they want and go unpunished.
The commercial system of the southern Nigeria (south East and South South) is conquered. No development, no employment…. You can not even control your resources.
To be more specific, Port Harcourt to Umuahia have about 40road blocks and police checkpoints. Not neccesary for security reasons , but to extort money from the masses and monitor their activities.
Imagine, there is no functional seaports in southern Nigeria. No real operations going on in Onne. It’s a deliberate south West politics to cripple Port Harcourt economic system. They want southern Nigerians to remain perpetual dependant on them. We all know Seaports are more lucrative than Airports. “- Franklyn Nwakaocha emphasized.

He concluded by becking on Nigeria government, south east governors, south south governors, NASS members, especially Rivers state governor to do something on Onne and Trans – Amadi economic meltdown. Which is reducing the revenue generation of the state, leading to high rate of unemployment and poor development.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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