Linda Ikeji.

Nigerian highlife singer- Exbrown E has taken his social media to react to Linda Ikeji pregnancy. This is what he said :

“My Take on this Linda Ikeji Linda Ikeji Pregnancy Issue….
For the past two days I have read a lot of write-ups, comments and views concerning Linda Ikeji… I’m not here to Criticise neither I’m here to congratulate her….. Just wanna say my mind.
I am a proud igbo man and According to the Igbo Tradition…. Pregnancy outside wedlock “Ime Okwa/ Ime Mkpuke” is not celebrated whether the girl/lady in question is a billionaire or a poor girl, and to the best of my knowledge… Linda Ikeji Is “Not Yet Married” thus this her Pregnancy in any case might not necessarily be an Unwanted Pregnancy but it still doesn’t mean it is achieved through due process as a married woman until Proven otherwise by her ….. Yeah, she sometime ago showed an engagement ring and all that stories but Note that engagement is never marriage…. And it “CAN STILL BE POSSIBLE” she flashed that engagement story earlier because she knew she is pregnant so decided to show us the ring just so the public wouldn’t talk much when the belly starts getting big and brought to the notice of the public because an Igbo adage say: “Anaghi egbuchi AFO Ime aka” .. (You can’t cover Pregnancy with your hand).
I cry for most Nigerians, because most of you all are Two Faced….. let’s forget the fame,popularity and wealth, what is happening with this Linda Ikeji Issue is exactly what happens in Nigeria when Politicians and Wealthy men who steal are being celebrated and given applaud BUT when a poor man steals, He is condemned, beaten and in most cases burnt alive…. #SMH..
If Linda is indeed married and wedded but has decided to keep the news to her self and members of her family… Then that’s her Choice but it still doesn’t change the fact that to the Public, she is not married/wedded until proven otherwise and thus this pregnancy should not receive an applaud,….Tradition, Good Moral should not be bent despite who is involved…. So for the people saying she has the Money to take care of the baby so their is nothing wrong being pregnant whether married or Not… Shame on you all, its a pity you people have reduced your self and your moral so low that being wealthy or poor is now ur base for judging people’s “immoral actions”.
Well, Pregnancy is good but not all the means of getting pregnant is good….. and I repeat, Until she’s proven married/wedded.. This her Pregnancy is what Igbo people call “Ime Mkpuke/Ime Okwa”. No amount of her wealth can change that fact.
I am Exbrown E Ebirim by name and remember the above write-up is my view…. You are free to have yours but don’t justify evil/immorality no matter who is involved.
For the people that will ask, who asked for my view, lol, well Linda Ikeji is a Public Figure and writing or talking about her does not require a go ahead order.
Then for the copy cats that will remove my Name and post this write up as their original content… It shows I’m still above You… Keep copying, #NoCompetition
Thanks and God bless!!!!”-Exbrown E.


The no competition crooner is known with songs that have significant meaning and Information. Cop his video below.



By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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