US embassy in Jerusalem.

Southern Nigerians has thrown praises on Donald Trump as he officially installed US embassy in Jerusalem in favour of Israel. So many Nigerians call him “ekwu eme “.


But pandemonium is rising as 28 people killed and 900 injured.
The number of people killed in the protest is rising ominously fast and now stands at 28, according to Reuters citing health officials.
It was the highest Palestinian single-daydeath toll since a series of protests dubbed the “Great March of Return”began at the border with Israelon 30 March and since a 2014 Gaza war.
The health officials said 900 Palestinians were wounded, about 450 of them by live bullets.
Tens of thousands gathered at the frontier on Monday, some of them approaching Israel’s border fence – a line Israeli leaders vowed Palestinianswould not be allowed to breach.Black smoke fromtyres set alightby demonstrators rose in the air.
“Today is the big day when we will cross the fence and tellIsrael and the world we will not accept beingoccupied forever,” said Gaza science teacher Ali,who declined to give his last name.
“Many may get martyredtoday,so many, but the world will hear our message.Occupation must end,”he said.
The 28 Palestinian dead on Monday included a 14-year-old boy,a medicand a man ina wheelchair who had been pictured on social media using a slingshot.

The Israeli military identified three of those killed as armed militants whom it said tried to place explosives near the fencein the southern Gaza Strip.
The latest casualties raised the Palestinian death toll to 73 since the protests started six weeks ago. No Israeli casualties have been reported.
The protests are scheduled to culminate on Tuesday, the day Palestinians mourn as the “Nakba” or “Catastrophe” when, in 1948, hundreds of thousands of them were driven out of their homes or fled the fighting around Israel’s creation.
Most countries say the status of Jerusalem – a sacred city to Jews, Muslimsand Christians – should be determined in a finalpeace settlement and that moving their embassies now would prejudge any such deal.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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