Tribute: Late Chief Azubuike Nmerukini Was A Custodian Of History And A Political Colossus – Hon. Sam Soni Ejekwu

The former Rivers State Commissioner for Transport, Sir Sam Soni Ejekwu, has eulogized his late boss, Late Chief Azubuike Nmerukini, who referred to him as an idea of the century whose life brought fundamental changes to the fabric of the society.

In his commemorative speech of love, respect, and admiration for the departed Chief, on Wednesday at the Night of Tribute in honor of Chief Azubuike Nmerukini;
Hon. Sam Soni Ejekwu said the Late Chief from a young age, impacted the Orusa family in a way that no other in modern history had done, in bestroding the Nkpolu-Oroworukwo and Rebisi cultural and political landscape like a colossus, steering the wheel of society’s progress to a sure destination.

Below is the tribute Sir Sam Soni Ejekwu read out from his heart at the Night of Tribute on Wednesday:


Chief (Hon.) Azubuike Nmerukini JP KSC was an idea of the century whose life brought fundamental changes to the fabric of our society. An idea because his thought processes were novel always introducing some uncommon perspective to issues.

It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that he is no more. Gone with his hallmark wise counsel. He was a custodian of history and a political colossus in Port Harcourt City and Rivers State.

From a young age, he impacted the Orusa family in a way that none other in modern history had done. He bestrode the Nkpolu-Oroworukwo and Rebisi cultural and political landscape like a colossus, steering the wheel of society’s progress to a sure destination.

His ideas, strategies, strong financial war chest, and unfailing presence at important events and critical moments were always a watershed for success in all events and activities that had his presence.

The modern history of Port Harcourt cannot be written without a chapter devoted to his contributions.

Call for a fearless mortal, and I will present Chief Nmerukini to you. He stood out as a man with extraordinary courage never fretting or shaken by sudden events or circumstances that will make other mortals faint.

I witnessed an explosion around him which sent everybody scampering for safety out of the enclosure only to return seconds later to find Chief still seated in the smoked-filled room as if nothing happened.

There were other circumstances that time will not allow me to narrate in this event that stood him out as a man of steel and great courage.

Chief Nmerukini nurtured, fed, and gave meaning to the lives of individuals and families innumerable to recount.

He was the last bus stop to many in troubled times as his advice is sure to provide solutions to the issues of concern, often going the extra mile to use his extensive and strong contacts to achieve such purposes.

He was a philanthropist per excellence. Regular visitors to his residence can attest to the fact that no morning or evening passed without people receiving financial blessings from him to solve their problems except for days he was out of town.

The above overview which details I will express in paragraphs and pages of a book in the coming weeks is a pinhole perspective of my Boss and Leader Ajie.

He came, he saw and he conquered for the good of the society.
May his soul find rest with God.

Dez Mayorz Report.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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