Over 900 Participants Converge at the Annual Young Techies Festival in Port Harcourt.

The third edition of the Young Techies Festival, held on the 20th  of July, 2024, at the Atrium Event Center, Stadium Road, Port Harcourt, was a remarkable success. The event recorded over 900 participants aged 8-17, along with more than 100 parents and educators. The event, which was organised by Code Ambassadors, in collaboration with silver sponsors Market Square, CESA, and the RIO Foundation, served as a vibrant platform for the next generation of tech enthusiasts to explore and celebrate their passion for technology.

The festival attracted over 1,200 registrations, showcasing the growing interest in technology among young people in Nigeria. Participants were treated to a day filled with enriching activities, including tech talks, games, exhibitions, and awards, all designed to spark curiosity and foster innovation and problem-solving skills in the participants.

The event kicked off with a free eye check for the first 100 participants to arrive at the venue. The free eye check was conducted by Lotag Eye Clinic and was quickly followed by a series of exciting games and of impactful tech talks from industry leaders, including Stewart Ezekiel Jr. Karla Obakpolor, and Honour Amadi. The event wrapped up with an intriguing and inspiring hackathon competition and visitations to the exhibition stands where students had first-hand experience with virtual reality headsets and 3D printers.

The three winners of the hackathon walked away with three laptops, three routers, and three months of data subscriptions. The prizes were awarded to the winners by CESA(Computer Empowerment Scheme for Africa) and MarketSquare. More so, the three winners amongst others were given scholarships to attend the Code Ambassadors holiday code camp.

When addressing teachers, guardians and parents of the participants, the founder of Code Ambassadors, Somkene Mamah said “Children are like arrows and how far they go depends on how well you shoot them.” According to him, Code Ambassadors is committed to fostering a vibrant tech ecosystem in Nigeria and empowering young people to become future innovative tech leaders. Thus, he encouraged parents to continue supporting their children in becoming digital literates.

Dez Mayorz Report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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