Rivers State Politics: Court of Appeal Gives Resolution.

The Court of Appeal in Port Harcourt gave a resolution on the matter CA/PH/198/2024: Hon. Martin Chike Amaewhule & 24 Ors Vs Rt Hon. Comr Victor Oko Jumbo & 5 Ors.

Appeal Court says on the matter of appeal on CA/PH/198/2024 that parties should maintain the status quo and nobody should take any further steps pending the hearing of the appeal.

And hearing on the appeal is fixed on June 20, 2024, as notice of the hearing will be served before the date.

The appeal filed by Rt. Hon. Martin Amaewhule is not struck out and respondents are to file their responses when served.
Stay of proceedings of lower court granted by the Court of Appeal.
The position of things before the crisis stands.

The Court also stopped the State High Court from hearing the case any further as it’s now on appeal, with all the Court documents required deemed as properly transmitted.

No judgement was passed or given yet.

More details later.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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