PHC HCDT Unveils Total Energies Secretariat For Port Harcourt Host Communities’ Development Trust

Dez Mayorz Report.

Board of Trustees and management committee members of the PHC HCDT, paramount rulers, and other stakeholders of the Total Energies Port Harcourt Host Communities’ Development Trust converged at 36b Binkol Crescent, GRA, Port Harcourt, to unveil a one-story building complex secretariat.

The BOT chairman, Hon. Sunny Ejekwu while speaking said Total Energies has just marked 100 years of existence as a strong player
in the global oil and gas industry with strong partnerships in the socio-
economic development of communities. Forming a partnership with the host
communities in a manner that has promoted the development of both
infrastructural and human capital.
“Having compared notes with other chairmen, I unequivocally state that
Total Energies is blazing the trail in PIA implementation among other
I0Cs.” This effort aimed at facilitating economic empowerment
opportunities and infrastructural development target a good life and
socio-economic growth for the teeming population of men, women,
youths and children in our communities.

The General Manager of the CAPD-TEPNG Engr. Godspower Nwachukwu
said Total Energies will continue to care for the people and the host communities.
Said Total Energies will continue to respect and align with their partners- the Hosting Communities.

The unveiling was well attended by the stakeholders from – Rebisi, Rumuogba, and Mgbuesilaru kingdom, with their traditional rulers in attendance- HRM Eze Uchechukwu Isaiah-Elikwu DSSRS (Eze Epara Rebisi XII), Paramount ruler of Port Harcourt, ably represented by Eze Chimezie Worgu Okabie.
HRH Eze Temple Ejekwu (Eze Ogba Iji-nu-Ede), paramount ruler of Nye Nwe Eli of Rumuogba.
Eze Princewill Ejikeme Wali, Paramount ruler Nye Nwe Eli of Mgbuesilaru.
HRH Eze Morgan Nwenenda Amadi, Eze Oha of Okporo Okwurusi Kingdom.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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