I Have Fulfilled All I Promised My People – Mayor Of Port Harcourt Sir Allwell Ihunda Satisfied With Administration Performance

– Gives starter packs to 260 beneficiaries of the 3rd batch of the Sir Allwell Ihunda Entrepreneurship, Trades, and Skills acquisition program (totaling 1,200 beneficiaries).

Dez Mayorz Report.

The Mayor of Port Harcourt City Local Government Area, Sir Allwell Ihunda DSSRS JP, has shown maximum fulfillment and satisfaction of his administration performance and said his administration has fulfilled all their campaign promises.

This he said at the Graduation ceremony of the 3rd batch of his administration Entrepreneurship, Trades and Skills acquisition program.
He added that his administration has created over 1200 jobs for the people in Port Harcourt City Local Government through the skills acquisition program.

Presenting starter packs to the beneficiaries, the Mayor said the program aims to reduce unemployment in the society by making the beneficiaries employable and employers of labor.
He charged the beneficiaries to be a good ambassador of the Port Harcourt City Local Government Area.

In appreciation for the good gesture of the Mayor, the Port Harcourt youth pronounced the DMOMA Award winner, Sir Allwell Ihunda the champion of human capital development in Rivers State.

One of the beneficiary said the Mayor has shown that Nigerian politicians can still deliver the dividends of democracy to the people if they are sincere and determined to work for the people; prayed for Mayor to continue be in office for more people to benefit from the program.

The Chairman of the Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Committee of Port Harcourt City Local Government, Dr. Ezebunwo Nyeche, commended the Mayor for his passionate drive to reduce unemployment to its lowest ebb in the local government. Dr. Nyeche, however, thanked the Mayor for believing in the Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Skills Development committee.
He gave assurances of maximum productivity from the graduates.

The consultant for the entrepreneurship and skills acquisition program, Chief Arthur Kalagbor, Eze Onu Mbam II of Rebisi Kingdom, urged the graduates to resist any temptation of selling the starter packs and rather build on what they have learned during the program.

Dez Mayorz Report.
Credit: PHALGA Media.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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