Opobo/Nkoro Deputy Chairman, Distributes Literature Texts And Writing Materials To Schools

Nkoro Students jubilate with joy and ease in their parents’ expenses, as the Opobo/Nkoro Deputy LGA Chairman, Hon. (Dr.) Angela Inyena Anthony Oju-Kienmie distributes literature texts and other writing materials to Schools in Opobo/ Nkoro Local Government Area, Rivers State.

The project was carried out by Hon. (Dr), Amb. Angela Inyena Anthony Oju-Kienmie, FEPHM, vice chairman/ Supervisor For Health,
Opobo/ Nkoro Local Government Area, Rivers State; with the mission to arm the children of today with literature texts instead of machetes and rifles.

Keeping up with a vision that picked up in 2008 with the publication of her debut book on the girl child entitled ‘The Total Girl’,
Hon. (Dr), Amb. Angela Inyena Anthony Oju-Kienmie began an annual visitation to schools to share writing materials and educational books with pupils to spur them to channel their energy into writing.

The Schools covered are State Schools 1& 2, Nkoro Town.
Comprehensive Junior High School, Nkoro, ( JSS 1- 3) and Comprehensive High School, Nkoro ( CHS) SS1-3.

Dez Mayorz Report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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