Ijaw Youths Condemned Sea Pirates Activities In Their Waterways

Dez Mayorz News

The Ijaw Youth Congress, Kalabari clan has condemned the sea pirates’ activities in their waterways and calls on the security agencies to wave into the situation with urgency to curb the menace.

In his press briefing, Comrade Asikitams Edward, Chairman of Ijaw Youth Congress, IYC Kalabari Clan/Kalabari Se-ikpangi, says they will take all necessary steps to protect their people if the government fails to protect the people.

He went ahead to reject the clamor for the removal of Asari Dokubo at Emohua – Kalabari road by the Rivers State government as he commands all the contractors handling projects on the roads to complete it within the time scheduled as the group will not accept any project abandonment.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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