Birthday: Dr. Ezebunwo Nyeche Felicitates With Barr. Chike Nmerukini @40

The former Secretary of Port Harcourt City Local Government and a lecturer with the Rivers State University, Dr. Ezebunwo Nyeche congratulates and eulogies with the Head Of Administration and General Service/ Head of Personnel Management at Port Harcourt City Council, Barrister Chike Nmerukini Esq on his 40th birthday.

He prays for God’s blessings, prosperity, and longevity in his life.

Below is the felicitation message sent to Dez Mayorz Media.

“Happy Birthday to a proactive and youthful Gentlemen per excellence, the Head Of Administration and General Service/ Head of Personnel Management at Port Harcourt City Council, Barrister Chike Nmerukini Esq.
May your good works not go unrewarded.
This day will mark the continuation of God’s blessing, longevity, and prosperity.
Happy Birthday sir.” – Dr. Ezebunwo Nyeche.

Social media space went agog for him.
Dez Mayorz Media gathered that the birthday celebration will be on Sunday by strict invitation.

Dez Mayorz News.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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