Rivers 2023: Gokana Endorsed Dumo Lulu Briggs.

Bestowed ‘Mene Tam 1 of Ogoni’ title on him.

Ogoni people are intensifying their support for the Accord gubernatorial candidate in Rivers State, Dumo Lulu Briggs.

They also bestowed the title “Mene Tam 1 of Ogoni” The King of Jobs and prosperity.

The Accord Guber-Roadshow traversed the communities of Gokana local had turnout of men, women, young people and children.

This comes days after he lunched his topnotch and well talked about manifesto.

Below is what Dumo Lulu Briggs said;

‘I have taken on the title “Mene Tam 1”, a title befitting the promise I have made to the people of Khana where I was coronated, and now Gokana where I have also been coronated. The title “Mene Tam” means, king of Jobs; and that is my covenant to the people of Gokana. I am so blessed to have the form of welcome I have received from Ogoni, and upon receiving the trust of a chieftaincy, I know that I would need to do to the people of Ogoni as I would for my own people as a paramount head. ‘ – Dumo Lulu Briggs.

‘ Our prosperity plan for Gokana is mega city status, with thriving communities. My vision is to transform Gokana through a number of initiatives. In particular, the Accord led government will facilitate the construction of modular refineries to take advantage of the availability of the crude oil resource in the region and generate income and employment for residents of the area.’

‘With increase in commercial activity comes the need for housing plans. We will develop regulated housing units, as well as support the establishment of the corresponding building cooperatives, in order to absorb the increased demand for housing consequent upon the envisaged overspill of Bonny into Gokana. ‘

‘Gokana is blessed beyond measure, and with a government commitment to stirring the people right, prosperity is assured. We will break new grounds and assume newer and improved way of business. But, in introducing the new, we will leverage on the existing. In this vein, we recognize that, traditionally, farming has been the predominant economic activity in Gokana, with fishing and trading also significant.

To leverage on this tradition, therefore, we will actively promote plantation-scale mechanized agricultural farming of oil palm, yams, cassava, plantains, bananas, pineapples, as well as non-plantation-scale commercial farming, including smaller-holder farming.

When we form government, we will support the establishment of processing and preservation facilities, to ensure agricultural products reach the targeted end-users with minimum losses. In this regard, we will support the establishment of processing and preservation facilities for the agricultural produce.

In addition to crop farming, we will also promote commercial livestock and fishing, as well as the processing and preservation of the livestock and aquatic products, in addition to supporting the establishment of farm produce marketing to properly channel the available produce and avoid wastage.

In order to ensure the agricultural products reach their targeted off-takers, with minimum losses, we will ensure the maintenance of an appropriate connecting road from Kpor to Bori, to connect the Green Agro Rail Line from Oyorokoto (in Andoni) through Asarama, and Bori, to the Port Harcourt-to-Maiduguri Rail Line at Oyigbo, to ensure that the farmers and producers in Gokana have efficient access to markets through to Maiduguri and the other markets in the North.

We will also provide active power, to ensure increased efficiency in economic activities, as well as ensure better living standards for the populace. We will restore the deserved glory, while creating opportunities for our young men and women to be gainfully employed.

I thank the people of Gokana for having welcoming me with such warmth, I will never forget the reception.

I, Dumo Lulu-Briggs, The Mene Tam 1 of Ogoni, promise to create jobs and ensure a rain of prosperity in my tenure.

Accord is the first party on the ballot represented by letter “A” with the thumbs up insignia.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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