Media Townhall: Nobody Can Steal Your Vote -Amb. Worlu Bobo Chimenem Charges Rivers People To Come Out And Vote.

The Campaign DG of Chief Dumo Lulu Briggs campaign in Rivers State, Obio/Akpor precisely, who is also the Accord Party House of Representative candidate for Obio/Akpor federal constituency, Amb. Engr. Chimenem Bobo Worlu has charged the Rivers people to come out en masse during the forth coming elections and vote for the right Candidates, says 2023 election can’t be rigged nor stealed.

This is said at the Dez Mayorz Media Townhall (Hangout) in Port Harcourt where he’s one of the resource personels.

The DMOMA Awards Personality (DAP) urged the good people of Rivers State to vote for the right candidates, said himself will vote for Chief Dumo Lulu Briggs for Governor of Rivers State in the coming election.

The townhall hangout had other resource personels and entertaining performances from Sonofman and K-Mite where Ebiere served as the anchor of the townhall.

Hon. Abm. Engr. Chimenem.B. Worlu was the former chairman, PDP Youth Movement South South, DG on vocational training, formal NYCN coordinator, Obio/Akpor, and the Obio/Akpor House of Rep. candidate under Accord Party.

More Details, pictures and video of the hangout later.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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