Politicians in Nigeria have been enjoined to ensure that the forthcoming election is devoid of violence and acrimony.

In a statement issued in Port Harcourt today, the Programme Manager, De Gratia Centre for Media Rights and Education, Mr. Woyengitokoni Nsirim said the call became necessary to protect our democracy.

“All stakeholders in the Nigerian Project must work together to make the forthcoming election to be free, fair and credible.

” The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) should ensure that the newly introduced BVAS is used in all polling Units to erase any form of manipulation.

“Security agencies on their part should shun partisanship and protect eligible Nigerians to exercise their franchise without intimidation.

“On the part of the electorate, vote buying should be relegated to the background to usher in a new era of transparent and credible leadership.

” We also appeal to politicians not to resort to the primitive style of thuggery and violence.

“Nigerian youth should also say no to thuggery as this election will determine the future and destiny of our great country.

” Media practitioners should avoid sensationalism and publicise news that will stabilise the polity during and after the polls.

” Election Observers must produce unbiased reports around the country to give an objective assessment of the conduct of the polls,” he added.


Mr. Woyengitokoni Nsirim

Programme Manager.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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