RIWAMA Contractors Appeal To Gov Wike To Payup April 2022 Debt


– says RIWAMA service providers looses equipments and valuables due to indebtedness.


The Waste Contractors with Rivers State Waste Management Agency RIWAMA had cried out to the State Government to Pay them their overdue April payment.


They made this appeal through the Radio and other relevant media channels as efforts to reach the Governor proof abortive.


The contractors lamented about the high cost of diesel and other working equipment, in an interview with a good number of them they unanimously narrated how the State Government Owed them 1Month Payment in 2019 after 31 days of Labour and repeating same for April 2022 will be disastrous.


The Service Providers humbly appeal to the Governor of Rivers State to please show his unusual fatherly concern and payup the April 2022 Payment which has left them in debt.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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