Book Author: Manuchim Jackwest – Nigerian Leaders, Youth, Politics And Power.


Manuchim Jackwest is an entrepreneur, a writer, a political enthusiast and an agitator for good governance in Nigeria.

A native of Orogbum Community in Port Harcourt Local Government Area of River State. He studied Management in the prestigious Rivers State University.

A passionate youth who has been disgruntled with the government of his Country. He decided to venture in politics to contribute his quota to nation building by changing the wrongs and impacting meaningfully into the Society.

He began with using the media as a tool for recognition into the political scene. He started with the politics in the Federal Constituency in Rivers State where he formed the Rivers Youths Volunteers – A Political Social Media Group aimed at promoting political activities in the region where he hails from but this got very little or no recognition as expected.

Years down the line, political experiences began to set in as he became very active and steadfast in the political happenings around his Constituency and State. Moving forward, he founded another social media group called the Phalga Media Group – this time with so much recognition which propelled him in becoming the Chairman, Media and Publicity Campaign Council in the Local Government elections in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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