How 700 Youth Have Benefited From The Mayor Of Port Harcourt, Sir Allwell Ihunda’s Skills Acquisition Programme In 23 Different Skills

– With the aim to make the Youth employable and employers of labour.

The people oriented Mayor of Port Harcourt, Sir Allwell Ihunda JP continues to fulfill his campaign promises.

His productive leadership is bringing the dividends of democracy to the people especially the Youth in his “Trade, Empowerment, Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Programmes’ that have been running in various centers in Port Harcourt since his emergence as the Mayor of Port Harcourt.

The skills acquisition programme was flagged off by the Rivers State former Commissioner of Youth And Sports Development, Hon Prince Obi Ohia.

The Programme is now in its second batch with 700 youth and women benefiting, more still to benefit.

The youth have been empowered and trained on not less than 23 various skills within the first batch and second batch of the programme.

The skills include;

Data base administration, Cinematography, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration, Computer & GSM maintenance, Scaffolding, Crane operation, Welding & Fabrication, Computer operation basic, Shoe making, Fashion designing, Combination of pipeline & Structural welding training, Catering and confectionery, ICT, Facial makeover, Photography, Gele crafts, Cosmetology, Hairs dressing, Pedicure and manicure. And more skills to be added.

Some of the beneficiaries are being trained in institutions like Charkin Maritime Academy.

Sir Allwell Ihunda beiieves that the skills acquisition is one of the important pillars that help many in actualising their dreams and aid those who are not privileged to work with public or private organisations to have livelihoods.

Allwell Ihunda

The aim is to make the Port Harcourt youth employable and also become employers of labour. Hence increase employment opportunities and crime reduction in the society.

The programme is already having direct influence on graduate and non graduate unemployment reduction in the City.

It also promotes culture of creative ideas, self-reliance, business initiative as well as low level of dependency among the youth in Port Harcourt.

There are so many benefits actualised in the Sir Allwell Ihunda’s skill acquisition, such as:


Diverse job opportunities.

Employment generation.

Effective function.

Enhancement of activities.

Crime reduction.

Wealth creation, etc.

Besides Youth Empowerment programmes, the Mayor of Port Harcourt, Sir Allwell Ihunda has carried out mega infrastructural developmental projects in the city.

Some of the projects are listed below:.

– Construction of Port Harcourt Local Government Hospital. (Ultra Modern Hospital).

– Construction of Port Harcourt Tools Mall.

– Effectively checkmate flooding in Port Harcourt by disilting Peter Odili Road, Bank roads, others.

– Reconstruction of the 3 storey building in Mile 3 market, Port Harcourt.

– Gully erosion projects of 40 feet deep, 25 meters wide and 100 meters width.

– Installation of Solar streets lights in various streets in Port Harcourt Local Government.

– Completion and furnishing of the new Procurement Building in the Council Secretariat.

– Completion of 6 Classroom Blocks, NYSC Apartment, 200 Sitting Capacity Assembly Hall (Nkpolu Oroworukwo Community Secondary School).

– Furnishing of 48 Offices in the new office complex.

– Standard Water Projects at Ojoto and Christ Apostolic Streets in Diobu.

– Renovation of Port Harcourt City Mayor’s Lodge.

– Regular sanitation exercises and keeping the city clean.

– Security architecture. Consistently maintains law and order in the city and relate effectively with the security operatives and their leaders.

– Construction of 8 Public Conveniences at Captain Amangala street, Port Harcourt Township.

– Renovation of Port Harcourt City Council Legislative Building.

And many other projects carried out from a Mayor who was sworn-in 17th June, 2021.

This is very applaudable for a Local Government.

The people of Port Harcourt are glad and ready to support the dynamic Mayor of Port Harcourt’s great initiatives as he continues to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people which is a proper way to compliment the effort of Governor Nyesom Ezebunwo Wike in Rivers State.

Dez Mayorz News.

27th August, 2022.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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