UK put measures to decide Biafran agitators seeking asylum in UK.

The United Kingdom government has decided to review the asylum they earlier gave to the people of the Indigenous People of Biafra, says they group are violating human rights.

Recalls that the Nigerian government designated IPOB a terrorist group in 2017.

The UK government did not categorically designated IPOB terrorists, but direct they should be excluded from its asylum programme.

Nnamdi Kanu led IPOB was accused of the murder of the army couple which sparked nationwide outrage, which IPOB denied, said they are not responsible for such act.

Last year, UKVI had released new guidelines to its decision makers on how to consider and grant asylum applications to IPOB.

IPOB rejected their asylum approach, says what they want is a date for referendum, as their only demand.

US & UK are always known to take side with the oppressors against their victims. These two nations proscribed Mandela and his ANC movement as terrorists organisation thereby supporting the brutal Appertheid Regime in South Africa.

Realist thinkers say that what matters to US & UK is their interest in the Royal Niger Coy which is their private incorporated coy.

Below is the UK statement denying Biafran agitators asylum;

“IPOB is proscribed as a terrorist group by the Nigerian government, and members of the group and its paramilitary wing – the Eastern Security Network (created in December 2020) – have reportedly committed human rights violations in Nigeria,” UKVI said in its policy notes.

“MASSOB has been banned, but is not a proscribed terrorist group in Nigeria. It too has reportedly been involved in violent clashes with the authorities.

“If a person has been involved with IPOB (and/or an affiliated group), MASSOB or any other ‘Biafran’ group that incites or uses violence to achieve its aims, decision makers must consider whether one (or more) of the exclusion clauses under the Refugee Convention is applicable.

“Persons who commit human rights violations must not be granted asylum.”

Dez Mayorz Report.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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