Christian Ezenwoye Congratulates Architect Kelechukwu Dimkpa (MNIA) On His Appointment As Directorate of Physical Planning In Rivers State University.

The director of COTECK furniture Ltd, Mazi Christian Ezenwoye has congratulated Dr. Dimkpa Kelechukwu on his recent appointment as the directorate of physical planning in Rivers State University.

Mazi Christian Ezenwoye refers the appointment as a well deserved.

“We are very glad and delighted that someone dearly to us is appointed for the office of Directorate of physical planning in Rivers State University.
Your appointment is well deserved.
Congratulations!” – Mazi Christian Ezenwoye.

kelechukwu Dimkpa
Lecturer/ Professor at Rivers State University
Rivers State University of Science and Technology.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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