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Just as the Bible says that a good name is better than silver and gold, there is also a traditional saying that kola nut lasts longer in the mouth of those, who value it.

These sayings have direct bearings to the conduct of the last Local Government election in Rivers State on the 17th of April, 2021 by the Rivers State Independent Electoral Commission (RSIEC), under the watch of HON. JUSTICE GEORGE OMERIJI (RTD). as Chairman of the Commission.

Many stakeholders, including observers adjudged the election as the best across the country in recent times.

Many groups have to the extent of the credibility of that election, honoured the Chairman of the Commission, HON. JUSTICE GEORGE OMERIJI RETIRED with several awards of Excellence for raising the bar and impressively improving standards in election conducts, not only in Rivers State but also in Nigeria.

Justice GEORGE OMERIJI came, he saw and he conquered and has written his name in gold, as Chairman of RSIEC.

Justice GEORGE OMERIJI is on the lips and lives in the heart of of every staff of the Commission, due to his transparency, cordial relationships with them, which culminated into the conduct of the free, fair peaceful and credible Local Government election on the 17th of April, 2021.

The LG election conducted supritendent by HON. JUSTICE OMERIJI (Rtd) is still a talk of the town, seven months after it was conducted. The recent celebrations of one hundred days in office by the various local government chairmen in the State (products of the election) is another living testimony to the credibility of the election.

That is why the latest nomination and recognition for another Award of Excellence in view of the free, fair, peaceful and credible election is quite germane and compelling.

This time around, the Award comes from the popular and reputable Award platform, DMOMA AWARDS and will be issued to him on the 4th of December, 2021 at the HILTOP ROYAL CENTRE, 187 WOJI ROAD NEW GRA PORT HARCOURT by 4:30pm.

Indeed, Hon. Justice GEORGE OMERIJI Retired has written his name in Gold and his hood works will not be forgotten for many decades and will definitely be a good reference point in the study of Political Science.

Congratulations, Hon. Justice GEORGE OMERIJI Retired (aka MR TRANSPARENT /CREDIBLE ELECTION).

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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