Rivers State University Alumni.

Straight to the press statement. :


Good day Great Whales, ladies and gentlemen,

Today the world as a global village is faced with a global crisis that threatens the security, economy, peace, hope, and freedom of mankind and society predicated upon the consequences of a global enemy: Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). The RSU Alumni as a responsive Association hereby support the various efforts and updates from the Federal and Rivers State Government on tackling this deadly pandemic.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees led by Prof Gladson Nwokah, the RSU Governing Council Alumni Representative and National Executive Council of the Rivers State University Alumni Association and all its various Branches in Nigeria, I want to appreciate the efforts of Government so far in containing this pandemic and to affirm that the strategy of the Rivers State Government would yield a positive result. I also know that we still have to do more as a State, individuals and organisations in combing this pandemic that is challenging our very existence.

As an Association of repute, this is the time for us to lend our hands to support the efforts of the Rivers State Government in ways and means to raise awareness and prevent the Corona virus spread in the State. Based on the various efforts of Government the NEC in support has directed the following measures:

1. The immediate suspension of all Alumni Branches Bimonthly meetings indefinitely.

2. Aggressive awareness campaign on electronic media (i.e. all our social media platforms), print media and banners.

3. Immediate street campaigns on the importance of:
 Social distancing
 Regular hand washing
 Use of hand sanitizers
 Isolation of suspected cases
 Distribution of free sanitizers, sanitary hand gloves and hand washing accessories.

4. Sensitization campaigns and free distribution of Hand Sanitizers, sanitary hand gloves and hand washing accessories to University communities in Rivers State, some Hospitals and health care centres.

For effectiveness, the RSU Alumni NEC has purchased sanitizers for free distribution. In the light of the importance of this project to our very existence and the need for collective involvement and partnership the RSU Alumni NEC is soliciting for the support of well-meaning Alumni members, organizations and safety conscious companies to be part of this laudable initiative to support the Rivers State government in keeping our people safe. We believe that with aggressive awareness campaigns and provision of free Health and safety equipment within the State, the pandemic will be put to a halt.

Thanks to the Rivers State Governor His Excellency Barr. Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, and his team for their efforts in stopping the spread of this pandemic in Rivers State as the efforts are not only sincere but pragmatic. We pray the Almighty God guides you as you continue this great task. With total collaboration & commitment of all of us, we would defeat the spread of the pandemic Covid-19 in Rivers State as a model and trail blazer State in preventive measures towards bringing the pandemic Covid-19 to insignificance.

Finally, we appeal to residents of Port Harcourt and Abio/Akpo Local Government Areas and indeed Rivers State not to fear on the negative, for FEAR pictures vividly the disease or situation feared, and these pictures objectifies if not neutralized. Such negative FEAR may mean Forgetting Everything And Run whereas the positive FEAR is to Face Everything And Rise when we focus on the fear of the Lord as this time demands spiritual realignment.

Thank you as you *”Stay Safe”* and respect *”Stay at Home”.*

Prince Anyanate Kio
10th National President
RSU Alumni Association


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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