Jikume Oshikiri Concert.

Comedian(s) mess at Jikume Oshikiri Concert.
Who is to be blamed?
Baba Funky, Kobaba, Danny Spry, Amb Induz or the host.

Straight to the point.
Jikume Oshikiri Concert experienced some appallling time wasting from some comedian(s) during the peak of the event.

The glamorous easy going event anchored by Nigeria comedian Angel d Laff came to a controversial phase when the host Angel d Laff invited Baba Funky to stage for his performance at about 9:48pm, suprising Kobaba, Danny Spry and Amb Induz joined the stage uninvited.
They started an enjoyable Funky four jokes that ended up badly due to time management.
The Host Angel d Laff intelligently signal them to conclude after they chop almost 35minutes on stage but Baba Funky refused, threatening to disrupt the show if disturbed on stage again….
Other comedians later left the stage leaving Baba Funky alone who claimed he must finish his joke time, which he did and refused to go, until 10:40pm, even when some of the audience were saying “it’s ok, thank you, go”….
Immediately Baba Funky came down from the stage
70% of the people that came to the show angrily left the show immediately  amidst Maxi performance, including Ahoada West LG chairman and his entourage all left….

we can not categorically tell you if the people left the show because of Baba Funky wrong time management or otherwise….

But who is to be blamed now?

1. The Host Angel d Laff = 0% blame.
The Host was smart, composing and used his experience to manage the scene, because the situation would have been worst had if Angel d Laff came to the stage to collect microphone from them.
The host has the right to call the attention of any artiste on stage when exceeding a particular given time.
Angel d Laff, the host still have so many artistes at the backstage yet to perform plus the Award presentation stipulated for that event and other activities in the program.
So the host is not to be blamed at all, but rather appreciated for managing the situation.

2. Danny Spry = 10% blame.
Danny Spry stormed the stage uninvited by the host. Although he later left the stage….

3. Kobaba : 10% blame.
Same, he stormed the stage uninvited by the mc, although later left the stage too….

4. Amb. Induz = 10% blame.
Like the duo, he also climb the stage unvited after spraying some amount of money on Jikume during her performance.

5. Baba Funky = 70% blame.
Baba Funky was call to stage to perform, which we all know he can finish his joke within 20minutes, but his colleagues stormed the stage during his time and he is happy with that and allow them to use his time with him(maybe he did that because they are his colleagues and wanted all of them to perform same time, to save time), they did well together though but time wasn’t there for them.
Baba Funky should have taken the responsibility by telling others to leave the stage earlier, or follow the trio when they were leaving the stage. But he didnt.
Baba Funky should have obeyed the host or matter what ….

6. Jikume : There is need to call Jikume and apologize for the little disrupt of her well organised show. Apologies is very important that the comedian(s) should do. Money can be used to do that as well.

Lesson : All brands should be conscious of time during performances, and obey the host and mc normatter what.
All brands are expected to be at the event center of the show they are billed on before or exactly the time, coming late to an event that you are on a bill is not a good act.
Don’t climb or jump on a stage when you are not invited to do so by the host.
Brands (artistes and comedians) must not perform at event they are billed on. You must not perform and during your performance, expect that you can be cut shot anytime. It’s normal. It’s done even in western world….


Earlier reported.

2019 Jikume Oshikiri Concert held at Azny Event Center GRA on 1st December was a huge success as brands (politicians, Business personels, music artistes and comedians, journalist, Doctors, bloggers, etc) all embraced the Niger Delta Queen concert.

The most unique and glorious outing of the event is how the Ahoada West (AWELGA) LG chairman and his entourage stormed the event in grand style.
Hon(Evangelist) Hope H. ikiriko embraced and supported the Ubuana crooner Jikume with his time, talent and treasure.
He humbly and remarkably came with almost all his local government principal officers, Deputy chairman, appointees, staffs and the community members. They all came in numbers, dressed on the Oshikified crested T-shirts.

Oh!, what an amazing support from the lovable local government chairman.
Other politicians should follow suit and support Port Harcourt City music and Entertainment Industry. Talents should be encouraged and empowered and not cultists.
This is applaudable. Well done Mr Chairman!

The Jikume Oshikiri Concert was a remarkable night of fun, music, comedy, personalities, special native foods, modeling etc.

Notable faces on the concert includes; former Executive Chairman Of Ahoada West Local Government, Hon. Awore Milla, former Rivers State Commissioner for Youth Development, Hon. Princewill Ogbobula, The director of Bougainvillea Mrs Grace Dixon and her lovely “oyibo” husband, director of Nolimit music mr Kingsley Anu, Media Works director Isaac Utere, among other top personalities.

Popular Comedian Angel D’Laff with model, Emilia Donatus gave the show topflight class as the host for the night.

Energetic and creative performances from Danny Spry, Fortune, Maxi, Kobaba, Jfly, Sarro Isaac, Annabel Shuga, Amb. Induz, Baba Funky, DStammerer, others made the concert remarkable.

Ken J, Saint Aboki, Memorandum and other brands were also in the building.

Now, all focus is on 2020 Oshikiri Concert.
Jikume, has made a big statement of her high relevance and influence in Port Harcourt Entertainment Industry. Kudos to her with her organizers led by Amesi Chika.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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