
Dandizzy used 7red pants to get verified on instagram – mcProf.

McProf Victor has jokingly accused Dandizzy of using 7red pants to get verified on instagram. This was his (McProf) reaction on the trending news of southern Nigeria rapper getting verified on instagram.

This might be true, it might also be a joke, as Dandizzy is yet to react on the accusation.


There is a joyous mood in Nigeria especially southern Nigeria when the Port Harcourt rapper Dandizzy announced the good news of his verification on instagram which led to  celebration and reactions on social media. Dandizzy is now the Port Harcourt first rap artiste to be verified on instagram.


Dez Mayorz Nigeria congratulates Dandizzy on such great hard work and achievements, and urged him to keep it up.
We all know that the verification came   as a result of smart and hard work.
Congratulations! Egweji!


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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