Fr Simeon Nwosu.

Maintain your Christian identity – Fr Simeon Nwosu charges Christians.

The Catholic chaplain of RSU has called on Christians to maintain their christian identity – He made this known during his sermon at Rivers State University Catholic Chaplaincy on Sunday 22nd April 2018(9am Mass).

He reminded the Christians that the surest way to salvation is Christ Jesus.

He insists that Christian leaders must exhibit qualities of good shepherd which includes:
leading people of God as a good shepherd, protect the flock, guard, guide and leads his follower on the right path, hence nurture and feed the flock as well as giving them rightful education, lay down life for the sheep fold, and ultimately look up to the holistic good shepherd Jesus Christ.

Father Simeon Nwosu told Christians in Nigeria to be a good flock. Sheep-must listen and obey the good shepherd and absolutely have trust on him. He warned Christians not to be “sit down dey look Christian “.

There is joy in being together, let’s us always be with the good shepherd.

He reminded the church faithful that Half of England, are now Moslems, and many Christians in Nigeria are being converted to Islam. With the biggest mosque in Nigeria situated in Ebonyi State(SouthEast).

He charges southern Nigeria Christians to maintain and protect their identities and smartly strategise to keep their faith.

He concluded by telling Christians to pray as well as work, and we should not allow
Christianity turn us into zombees, we should use our Heart and head. Faith and reasoning,- Faith seeketh understanding.

Since there is power in the name of Jesus Christ, Christians we always prevail.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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